The 2019 New Zealand Charity Reporting Awards is an event run by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) to recognise the efforts of registered charities in adopting financial reporting standards.
The standards were introduced to provide greater transparency and consistency in reporting within the charities sector. They provide a great opportunity for charities to communicate the value that they are providing and to tell their story to potential funders, volunteers and the broader community.
The judging criteria for the award is based on;
- Communication effectiveness and innovation
- Compliance with standards
- Overall presentation
If you are a charity with Financial Statements (Tier 1 & 2) or Performance Report (Tier 3 & 4) please contact who can help you determine if you meet or exceed the above criteria and discuss your entry before submitting to: by Wednesday 20 February 2019.
There will be eight prizes available in total, with a total value of $6,000. Prizes will be awarded by CAANZ to the winner and highly commended in each of the four tiers of reporting.